wellness intensive program

get in touch with yourself, your values, dreams and aspirations. stop utilizing unsustainable diets to achieve short-term goals and achieve sustainable results for overall health and wellness, including weight loss for longevity.  activate your next level with this foundational program, learning how to interact with food and your body, as well as build confidence, optimize performance through movement and intuitively connect with yourself.

8 weeks | $649


personalized to reach your goals using a curated protocol focusing on:

  • personal development/creating a healthy lifestyle

  • goal setting, daily intentions and soul journaling

  • educational material, meal plan examples, grocery shopping list (downloadable wellness workbook)

  • recipes and healthy alternative suggestions

  • hormone balance through food choices

  • improved digestion and sleep

  • one mile movement to “breakthrough”

  • weight management/weight loss

  • showing up authentically in your life

  • two 20 minute coaching sessions per week


pillars to wellness


wellness elite program