wellness elite program

create massive transformation with this foundational program to help you feel strong and at peace in your body. together we will work on any health issues you may have that prevents you from living your best life. connect with your higher self by having more body confidence than ever, while changing your relationship with food and seeing weight loss results without “dieting”. optimize performance through intuitive eating, mindset shifts, movement and connection of Self.

18 weeks | $1349


personalized to reach your goals using a curated protocol focusing on:

  • learn better relationships, creating a mission statement to help  you with effective connection through healthy living

  • creating meaningful change and knowing your purpose through personal development

  • goal setting, daily intentions and soul journaling

  • educational material, meal plan examples, grocery shopping list (downloadable wellness workbook)

  • recipes and health alternative suggestions

  • hormone balance through food choices

  • one mile movement to “breakthrough”

  • weight management/weight loss

  • showing up authentically in your life

  • two 30 minute coaching sessions per week


wellness intensive program


functional health for men